An installation of living plants each with their own unique hair style, an ambient recording of Jupiter, complete with laugh track. Debuted at The Dojo: Chicago, IL; 2015.
Perennial. Installation featuring coaster poems and Polaroids. Displayed at Bow Truss in Chicago, IL; 2015.
Dress. An installation of poetry, clothes, and flowers displayed on a comforter. Shown at ECO in Chicago, IL; 2015.
Bad Idea. Performance piece involving wrestling mat, mirror, journal, body paint, baby powder, wildflowers, grass clippings, and soil. Executed at Pinky Swear in Chicago, IL; 2015.
Valentine's. An collection of 16 Valentine's Day cards each in editions of 4. 2015.
Coaster Poems. An installation of coaster poems and Polaroids arranged in a grid where viewers are invited to create their own narratives. Shown at the Chicago Art Department, June 2014.